About AYA

Our aim is to restore or help the children discover and develop their ability to function in new and pro social ways within relationships in many social settings like schools, families, with peers etc.

Acacia House

Acacia House part of Achieve Your Aspirations will care for up to 2 children, aged 5-16 years on admission. We will offer supportive and individualised care for children with complex behaviours which restrict their opportunities and negatively impact their development, such as issues with physical and verbal aggression, self-harm, missing’s, sexualised behaviour, and or criminal behaviour.

A child with such complex difficulties may not be best suited in other various placements so it is our aim to offer a homely environment within a specialised children’s home setting, with an experienced and motivated team, who will work closely with the children and support them to integrate successfully into society.

Our aim is to restore or help the children discover and develop their ability to function in new and pro social ways within relationships in many social settings like schools, families, with peers etc.

We draw on the practice-based evidence and research from the therapeutic childcare tradition, and the broad fields of children development and attachment research to keep our practice contemporary.

In practice, this means we believe that behaviour is communication, we work hard to understand and respond sensitively.

We want the children and the team at Acacia House to feel safe and develop trusting, lasting relationships so they can learn, grow, and develop in all aspects of their life.

We aspire to be a centre of excellence in all we do and are invested in developing and delivering therapeutic child care.

The key aim of any placement at Acacia House is to provide a safe environment for any children placed to flourish.

On admission, each child can be provided with a thorough multi-disciplinary assessment, the findings of which will inform the care plan and any therapeutic interventions provided at Acacia House.

Our psychotherapist will conduct therapy where this has been identified and will offer clinical support to the team.


Close working with statutory agencies will take place when required. The findings of this will inform the individual package of care covering care, education, and therapeutic interventions.

Each intervention is regularly reviewed and all progress and outcomes for the children are recorded and evaluated by the team.

We pay attention to the needs of the children and focus on care planning and multi-agency working. We will always work collaboratively with partner agencies to ensure the children’s current and future needs are met each step of their journey through our service.

Any children living at the home will have individual placement plans covering, care, education, health and keywork. The key aim of any placement at Acacia House is to provide a safe environment for the children to flourish, feel secure in the surroundings and help prepare them for a return to foster care, Kinship, Parents or if required long term residential setting in line with their individualised care plan as soon as possible and identified using a multi-disciplined approach from all involved in the care of the children.

We believe that with the children living in Acacia House, we can ensure that the children can have that individualised 1:1 support we feel the younger children desire and help us work quicker on meeting their social, behavioural, and emotional developmental needs and meet the aims of their individualised care plan is much smoother and within a 2-year period. We do also recognise that this may not always happen, and we can work with the social worker, family, and children to look at alternative options within AYA services ranging from, extension to placement at Acacia, Alternative homes within the organisation when possible post additional homes opened or even look at other accommodation we can provide in the long-term interests of children ensuring the children as journey of care with care givers they feel safe and secure with to ensure a continuity of care.

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